Emotional Intelligence

Always Remember Your T&T; The Right Attitude is Only a Smile Away!

Always Remember Your T&T; The Right Attitude is Only a Smile Away!

Curious to know the definition of 'T&T'? Look no further! Read how 'T&T' evolved, its definition and see an example in action. 'T&T' a leadership capability you can ill afford to be without! Enjoy.

Trump: A Case Study in DISC and EQ

Trump: A Case Study in DISC and EQ

Love him or hate him, he’s a case study unto himself! Guest blogger Theo Winters looks at The Donald from the vantage point of DISC. Is it his high D traits that make him so ‘interesting’ or is it his level of emotional intelligence (EI) that creates havoc for him? An interesting article on pairing EI and DISC traits when interpreting behavioural styles.