Are You Ready To Go Pro With Us? — Scope Vision

Are You Ready To Go Pro With Us?

I'm on the journey to awesome

Are You Ready To Go Pro With Us?

It’s all been happening behind the scenes! We really can’t comprehend the speed at which our world has evolved; working with great mentors has catapulted our vision (so to speak!)

If you have been following our blogs or emails you will know that we are in the throes of launching Scope-Pro! - our
Be Awesome Collection. The inspiration, the how and the why!

Well it’s quite a story that started in December 2015, with a thought to develop a desk card set that would serve as a visual reminder of learnings that happen within Scope. A chance to take Scope to the outside world for those who may not yet have experienced it; or for those who have and want more. SUCCESSorise your desk Scope Leadership Vision cards was the concept that evolved.

About the same time the keyboards exploded! Blogs flew from everywhere. Really amazing people, leaders in their field and absolute enthusiasts offered to share their passion and thoughts with our gang! We became surrounded by and immersed in knowledge.

January saw us schedule a week dedicated solely to ‘thinking on’ the business. We created the right environment [an office renovation will do that for you!] relaxed outdoors, exercised together, ate healthy food, drank the odd glass of champagne, reflected, laughed and explored. Suddenly we started to SOAR [Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results] establishing AWESOMENESS goals for our year. January flew by; 12 projects in the fire, action plans driving us, clear on our pathways, we hit February before we knew it and it was time to be accountable for the first month’s performance. We were astounded. Key Performance Indicators had traction, project results were on target, we were surrounded by motivated people.

February’s planning saw us create an ‘I want to be Awesome’ page in our journals; we were asked to outline goals we would like to achieve throughout the year. What did we each consider as purposeful work? If we were to spend the next 12 months working on projects what would we like them to be? I guess our journey to awesome grew from here.

The SUCCESSorise your desk Leadership Cards arrived from the printers; the easels from China. We were suddenly in the retail business with a product on the shelf; one awesome goal had eventuated. Blog thoughts were flowing and our Scope gang was engaging with us causing our creativity to soar. Enthusiasts were sharing with us their ‘love of having their little bit of Scope’ with them as they sat at their desk dealing with life’s challenges; such as the ever occurring porcupine. What if they had access to MJ whenever they needed it we thought!? [Oh what a concept!] So video production (which was on the list) was quickly re-prioritised and the project plan established.

Our next challenge became the digital platform we would need to engage; how will we package it, what is our end goal? The more we planned the more the concept took shape. By March we had settled on a Scope-Pro! membership gang where only cool kids could play! There’d be no tossers, losers or bores! It would be designed specifically for people who prioritised personal or professional development and more! Those who wanted to invest time growing in a creative and awesome environment. The Scope-Pro! Be Awesome Collection was here!

We were living first-hand and experiencing the benefits of spending time with great people who wanted only to see us succeed; our goal quickly became to share this experience every day with people we adore. Scope-Pro! became the vehicle to achieve this.

Be Awesome every day

Create, reflect, laugh and learn
professional development that doesn’t suck!

Why shouldn’t everyone be afforded the opportunity to develop themselves, or their business? We pondered this question and the answer became clear. Many of us don’t prioritise the time to work ‘on’ our businesses or self; we are all too busy working ‘in’ them. We needed to create a professional development pathway that didn’t suck! If we were to see more people on a journey to awesome we needed a product that would see people willing to prioritise themselves first. A group of enthusiasts wanting to make themselves accountable, gain perspective on themselves and their business, all whilst enjoying the company and expertise of incredible people. A platform that we could use to share the resources we use to gain clarity and soar.

Now it’s April… and the Scope-Pro! Be Awesome Collection is launching! The Scope days are created, video production is scheduled for June; it’s now too late to stop the momentum. We really hope that you will share in the Be Awesome journey with us…we’d love you to be part of the revolution; gain clarity and soar!

Find out more about going Scope-Pro! by clicking here, and make sure you have signed up to our newsletter, and have followed us on Facebook and LinkedIn to make sure you don't miss out on any of the journey!


Maria-Jane Satterthwaite

After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at 29, MJ knew her journey was going to be unique! 

No way was she going to waste any of her years working 9-5 under poor leadership! She seized the opportunity to become an independent worker; starting her own Registered Training Organisation, Scope Vision.

MJ’s curiosity into what drives people, and businesses, to achieve success has been the passion recognised in her award-winning business. The drive to continue to train and embrace lifelong learning has been her key to success, and she wants to see this happen for others.

20 years on, the passion and curiosity she’s used to shape the businesses she works with, and her longevity in these relationships have inspired her to think about the future of work; what this will mean for workers in general and indeed her own business. Find out more about MJ