As Scope Vision heads towards its 20th anniversary Joanne and I mused together on what would be the most amazing gift we could afford ourselves for reaching such a monumentus milestone. Winning the Telstra Micro- Business Award became the AWESOME* we aspired to achieve. The golden globe of the business world, the pinnacle of success; it was decided that this accolade was worthy of driving our behaviours and our dreams. A lofty vision? Absolutely! But a journey few experience; we decided we were up for the challenge!
Why bother people asked? Such an interesting question! The answer became clearer as we turned every page. 19 years have passed since Scope was envisioned; it was great fun to reflect on our journey and how far we have come. Are we any wiser from our travel? Are our memoires worth sharing? We weren’t sure on the answers but that honestly didn’t matter, as Scope isn’t simply a business to us; it has become so much more.
The awards journey begins...Wow!
Our jaws dropped and we gasped needing air…. We’re gaining clarity and transparency on what it is that we do! We marvelled with enthusiasm at what we’d become as we hit each ‘page’ button. The journey was emotional, we were challenged to explore just what made us awesome and worthy of an award.
We had so many questions! Debates unfurled. Where are we in our business? Are we meant to be here? Where are we heading? What do we need to get there? Wow! It was uncomfortable! Are we successful or not; does our definition of AWESOME resonate with others or just in the minds of ourselves? Wow! We were excited!
It was our journey and our pathway; we felt inspired by what we had achieved.
Who needs therapy!
The awards process has been more beneficial to us than therapy, more challenging than couples counselling, caused more debate than Trump in a presidential election and prompted more reflection than a house of mirrors.
The process has forced us to meditate, feel vulnerable and raw, as our ideas and beliefs were critiqued by those whose opinions we valued. Our minds wandered and weaved; would they think of us as AWESOME? Can they feel what we feel, every day when we work? The angst saw us soul-search as windows opened to confront the reality of our life’s work.
Was our achievement really as we saw it? It was tumultuous and exhilarating, as we wrote and reflected on what the past years had given us. It was incredible spending time dreaming of AWESOME.
Leaving a trail
So what would it mean to us to have our vision validated? What would it feel like to step back and dance on the path with all those who truly knew of the heartaches and headaches, the trials and tribulations, the successes and celebrations that working in a micro-business had caused? For the moment we can’t answer that as our journey has just begun. Hitting the ‘submit’ button on the application form took us one step closer to knowing the answer to the elusive question – Do we stand out from the crowd? The outcome doesn’t really matter for us, our celebration is complete! We laughed, we welled-up, we learned and we grew, we became curious and inspired, and we believed….. We are AWESOME! The very best WE that WE can BE.
“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail.”
We have found our trail…..and we have named it…. Scope Vision; we believe it is AWESOME – the very best we can be!
* Our definition of AWESOME: Be the very best You, that You can be.